Monday, July 11, 2016

Uncle Doug + Day 6

Its day 6 in Childress,TX and I'm still here. I had a great weekend hanging out with Greg and his family. Sunday afternoon Greg and I washed our bikes and hung out on their back porch. After a short while Amy came home with two nieces and a nephew. I met the nieces right away but did not see the nephew for the first hour I was there. While Amy was preparing dinner, nephew Beau entered the dining room. As he entered the room Greg shouted out "Beau where have you been?". Beau proceeded to tell his Uncle Greg that he had been playing games in the bedroom. At this point, Beau still had not seen me. I waited about one minute and then entered the room and shouted "Beau where have you been?". Beau looked at me with great uncertainty. Greg then took this opportunity to ask Beau if he remembered Uncle Doug. Beau looked at me again and said no he did not think so. Greg continued to refer to me as Uncle Doug and soon one of the nieces ask Amy about Uncle Doug. It has now become a nickname for me around the Bowman household.

Day 7

After a good nights sleep in my new locker room quarters, I strolled over to the local doughnut shop for coffee and doughnuts. After finishing my coffee I went to the post office and found that my brake lever had arrived. I immediately returned to the high school where my bike was now parked and installed both a new brake lever and matching clutch lever. At last I can ride. I still do not have my mirror assembly but hopefully that will be here in the next day or two.
This afternoon Greg and I went out for a nice back roads ride in Texas. There was no traffic to contend with and we rode some really nice curvy and hilly county side. We rode through the Caprock Canyon State Park where we saw wild Bison lounging on the side of the road. It was a really good ride!

Wild Free Range Bison

Caprock Canyon