Monday, July 18, 2016

Colorado and Utah

After spending a quite Sunday morning at the Last Resort Campgrounds in southern Colorado, I headed for the Colorado mountains. I recall saying that the Blue Ridge Parkway was short on guardrails. Well let me just say that Colorado must assume if you hit a guardrail going in excess of 20 mph, then you're going thru it anyway. I can tell you, it is a bit scary at an elevation of 10,000 feet, on a motorcycle, to come into a curve with no guardrail. Not that the guardrail would make it any safer, but it would make me feel better.

See what I mean about the guard rails

 The "Million Dollar Highway" between Durango and Ouray is a beautiful ride and also exhausting. At all times you have to watch for signs, oncoming cars and of course you have to check out the scenery. The one thing that really concerned me was a highway sign indicating "freshly oiled roads". I'm on a motorcycle people, freshly oiled roads really concerns me. 

Bear Creek Falls located under the highway.

I did however make it to the top and then back down to Cortez, where I over nighted.
Today I set out for Utah. I recall traveling through Utah once while working for the Associated Press. The landscape was spectacular then and still is today. It is truly a must see state. It reminds me of when I was a young boy playing Cowboys and Indians. Please, no offense intended. I am sure that The Lone Ranger along with Rawhide and every other western program filmed in the 1950's had to of been filmed in Utah. Tonight, I am camping above Powell Lake in Glen Canyon, Utah.  

Campground view #1

Campground view #2

Sunset-view from my campsite

Powell Lake