Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Storm

Wow, Texans drive fast! The secondary roads have up to a 75mph speed limit while the interstates are posted at up to 85mph. That being said, it only applies if you happen to be going slow enough to read the signs. I made pretty good time to my destination which was Fair Park in Childress, Texas. The park turned out to be extremely nice with five campsites, each with water and electric hookups. There are softball games every night, a swimming pool, rest room facilities and a real nice lake for fishing.


After setting up camp I took a short ride down the road to full fill my desire for some McDonald's sweet iced tea. Upon returning to the campground. I saw a huge bank of black clouds quickly approaching. Within two minuets, the wind began to blow with reported speeds of up to 84 mph with pouring rain close behind. I was lying on the floor of the tent with my back pressed up against the front of the tent trying to hold it in place. The entire tent was now flat over me with rain pouring in. I could not see what was happening outside. The lightning was striking all around. I could hear tree limbs breaking and trees falling and all I could do was hold on for dear life. At one point the tent, with me in it, was blown about ten feet across the grass. I heard a crash and and hoped it was was not my bike. Guess what, it was my bike. I had parked it leaning into the wind with the side stand down. The wind picked up this 700 lbs of bike and luggage and dropped it down on it's right side with wheels straight out. Didn't I just replace that right mirror? Well here I go again. This time the mirror is beyond repair and there is not a motorcycle dealer within 70 miles. I went online and ordered the entire assembly for replacement. In addition the front brake lever broke at the base and will have to be replaced. My highway peg was twisted around but that I can fix as well as the rear crash bar which was bent. I hope that I will receive the parts for the mirror and brake lever soon and without too much trouble. I've never used General Delivery as an address before. Meanwhile, the local people are exceptionally nice. I even had one softball family that had seen me struggling with the tent, stop back after the storm to make sure I was okay.  

I survived the storm. Now it's time to dry everything out!