Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Millwood State Park, Arkansas

Today was a good riding day. Hot, but with a couple brief showers during the day to cool me off. I headed for Millwood State Park in Ashdown, Arkansas. After hours of riding my Garmin decided it was time for a little more exploring. As you may recall from previous post, every time I have doubted the Garmin I ran into trouble. So like a good Garmin follower I proceeded to follow the route given. I was really ready to get off the bike and get setup for the night when suddenly I ran out of road. There was a trail leading off into the woods but I chose not to take my bike down such a ruddy unmaintained path. Instead I turned around and headed back to the main highway. No sooner did I turn back onto the highway when Jill, my Garmin host, started to give me new improved directions to the park. It would have been nice had she given me the improved directions  in the beginning, but no that would have been totally uneventful. Following the new directions did bring me to the main park entrance. To my dismay however, due to lack of funds, the park only had ten sites open and they were all reserved for RVs. No tent camping allowed! Since when? Did they forget to update the website? It was a big, beautiful State Park and I was disappointed that they would not allow tent camping at this time. So off I went in search of another roadside motel. The little place I stayed was not very fancy but was exceptionally clean, and for that I was happy!