Saturday, July 9, 2016

Above and Beyond

Greetings from the side of Hwy 287 Childress, TX

It's day 4 in Childress, TX and the temperature is rising. I started my day with a walk around the park, then watching an early morning softball game. The tournaments are almost over and I'm not sure what I will do with all this spare time once they are completed. While sitting under a shade tree pondering that question a bicycle riding Texan rode into my camp. He first ask me about my bike and and how long I had been there. I told him the story of the storm and showed him the damage to the bike. Immediately this bicycle riding cowboy, named Greg, was at my rescue. As luck would have it, he too is a motorcyclist and knows what it is like to break down away from home. As our conversation continued he informed me that he was the high school coach and wanted to help me out. To make a long story short, before the day was out I had moved from the campground to an air conditioned locker room complete with showers and toilet facilities. After helping me move from the campground to the high school, Greg took me out to lunch and invited me over to meet his wife Amy and son Bryce. As dinner/supper time rolled around they insisted I stay and eat with them. The food was delicious. What a great day and great people to fill it!