Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Everglades / Been There / Done That / Never Again!!!

It was with clouded expectations  that I set out for the Everglades today. I had been warned of the man eating alligators, pythons the size of a small pipeline and panthers just waiting for another meal. I'll know better next time! I was about as far south as you can get into the Everglades. The campground was located in Flamingo, Florida. It was very nice and well maintained and I was surprised to find I was the only guest in the entire campground. Little did I know the no-see-ums had already eaten all the other guest, their cars and all their belongings prior to my arrival. Seriously, I have never seen so many biting insects in one place at one time in my entire life. Yes I know it was the Everglades but there should be a limit to everything, including no-see-ums. I felt like I was on the television series, Naked And Afraid. Not that I was naked or afraid, but I was being eaten alive. With great haste, I set up the tent. Afterward I found the only escape from the biting was to stand under the shower and try to drown as many no-see-ums as possible. I don't know when I actually fell asleep but I do remember waking up and thinking how much I dreaded moving, even the least little bit because that would awaken the no-see-ums which now lined the inside of my tent from top to bottom. Finally I got up the nerve and just made a dash for it. Tent was down in record time and bike was loaded. Unfortunately, not only did I awaken all the no-see-ums in and around the tent, I awoke all 642.7 billion that resided in the park. Back to the showers I ran. With delight, I eradicated at least another 40 thousand of the little blood suckers, after which, I raced to my bike mounting it with the speed of the Lone Ranger mounting Silver. Off I went, out of the Everglades with no desire to return.

Flamingo Park Campground


Racing out of the Everglades