Monday, May 30, 2016

The Journey Begins 05/26/16


Headed out today for Madawaska, ME, the most north eastern of the "Four Corners". It was a good start and gave me a chance to get the feel of the bike fully loaded. After stopping at the visitor center in Houlton, ME, I made the mistake of following my Garmin Zuma rather than my gut. The Garmin told me to continue north on Interstate 95 while my instinct was to go north on RT1. I should have stayed with my gut instinct because before I knew it the Garmin had me crossing  the US border and only seconds away from entering Canada. Realizing what I had done, I quickly detoured through the employee parking lot of the US Border Patrol and back onto I95 south which put me in line to enter the USA. Ooops! I did not have my passport with me and was not sure just how this was going to play out. After some humorous exchanges with the Border Patrol Agent, I was allowed to re-enter the USA and continue on my way to Madawaska.
Mount Katahdin as seen from Interstate 95 North
The Four Corners Park, while small in size, was quite impressive with many tributes to motorcyclist from around the country.

After visiting the park, I headed south to the Aroostook Fish and Game Club in Ashville, ME where I camped overnight. Camping was free and I was the only camper there this night. It was a very peaceful  night.

It was raining in the morning when I awoke so I checked Weather Bug on my phone and was pleased to see the rain would be ending around 9a.m. I went back to sleep until the rain stopped and then quickly packed up and headed back home.  I will continue my journey on June 1.   The next "Four Corners" destination, Key West, Fl. Of course there will be several stops in between and I will be updating with new post as often as possible.