Friday, April 8, 2016

Preparing for the ride..

I started planning this trip about year ago. I don't mean actual routes or daily destinations, that will come on the fly. Planning for me has been more about preparing the bike for the trip, what clothes will be needed, mental preparation, safety, etc. I will be riding my 1998 Honda Pacific Coast PC800. The intent is to camp in National Forest as often as possible. The only definite plans are to spend a week at our home in NC, visit my brother in Cape Coral, FL and my son in Tallahassee, FL. My hope is to tour the countryside between the four corners of the USA, which are Madawaska, ME, Key West, FL, San Ysidro, CA, and Blaine WX.  The ride will begin in June 2016. Check back soon as I will be posting more details regarding bike preparation along with photos.